How to Boil an Egg the Easy Way

It would appear the simplest of dishes is one of the hardest to perfect. For this reason we put our heads together and came up with an answer. By following the instructions all your problems have been solved, or not as the case may be.

Beg, steal or borrow approximately five acres of mixed herbage meadowland. Preferably untouched by man for over a hundred years. Also a number of quality hens and a randy cockerel. Set the birds on the land to forage and have their way with the cockerel.

From the forest or roadside cut two forked sticks. One about four feet in length, the other half as much. The first must be strong enough to hold around ten or twelve pounds. At the same time collect a quantity of wood, large stones for a fire, not forgetting two dry sticks for rubbing.

A source of clean spring water. Seek out some clay and ironstone, on second thoughts find an old goat. I mean find an old goat willing to part with it’s skin. If this proves difficult ask the local headman to your feast on condition he brings a skin with him.

Clean and tan the skin, cut out a circular piece approximately two feet in diameter and punch holes around the edge. Thread a vine, cord or sinew through holes. Make a small circle of stones, place within half the wood.

Rub together two dry sticks to make a flame. Heat some smallish stones in the fire and when hot hang skin from forked stick and fill with clean spring water. Put hot stones in water to heat and replenish until water is very hot.

Search out hens and look for eggs usually under bushes. Place eggs in water and go for a short walk. On return the eggs should be well cooked.

The above method was first used waaaay back in the mists of time and still works today. Why one needs fancy tackle to do the job today is another great puzzle of so-called civilisation.
